Cashback Apps: What is Dosh and is Dosh a legit app? What is Rakuten and how does Rakuten work?

I'm always on the hunt for easy ways to earn money by doing, well, almost nothing. That is why I have used web and smartphone apps that easily give cash back for retailers I often shop with. The two I have had a good experience with are Dosh and Rakuten. The costs of shopping add … Continue reading Cashback Apps: What is Dosh and is Dosh a legit app? What is Rakuten and how does Rakuten work?

Robinhood Support: How to Contact Robinhood If You Have a Problem

Robinhood Customer Support: Best Contact Methods at a Glance1. Website: Create a ticket at the following link: In-app: Select "Contact Us" in app, follow instructions. 3. Email: Send an email to: support@robinhood.com4. Twitter: Robinhood offers limited support at @AskRobinhood on Twitter. 5. Phone number: Robinhood, as of October 2021, now offers 24/7 phone support … Continue reading Robinhood Support: How to Contact Robinhood If You Have a Problem